Show Rundown: December 10, 2007
Already Missing George Takei
Sal’s ‘Shabby Shick’ Home
Janice Dickinson Hits the Studio Like a Freight Train
Janice Dickinson Hits the Studio Like a Freight Train

Janice Dickinson stopped by to say she couldn’t have her morning coffee without listening to the show. Howard asked Janice if she could smile or move her face, but Janice said no; she’s had “enough botox injections to poison an entire country.” Janice added that she recently picked up a boyfriend – an “architectural lighting design wizard” from San Antonio. Howard laughed that he always thinks Janice is coked up, but Janice insisted she was just excited. Howard asked Janice if she’s been drinking recently, so Janice confessed that she “slipped.” Robin wondered how Janice got back on the wagon after “slipping,” and Janice explained that it’s easy once she’s reminded that it hurts her children with every drink (or line). Janice then told a story about trying to get a hold of Paul McCartney to ask him out on a date. Janice also listed some celebrities she’s slept with, including Sylvester Stallone, Kelly Lebrock, and an unnamed Italian director.
Howard noted that Sylvester Stallone has said dating Janice was like hanging out in “Satan’s armpit” – and Simon Cowell has cited her as the scariest person on the planet. Janice shot back that Simon has a saggy ass and man-boobs. Howard then asked Janice how she felt about the poor reviews her reality show has gotten, but Janice claimed she didn’t care, adding that David Hinckley could suck her d—k.