Show Rundown: February 7, 2008
Benjy Grows Up
Benjy Grows Up

Howard admonished Benjy for fighting with Gary on yesterday’s Wrap-Up Show and whining about how hard Howard is on him. Benjy repeated his claim that Howard was meaner to him than anyone else, but Fred disagreed, noting that Howard’s nearly destroyed his personal life on the air many times. Gary came in to dismiss Benjy’s claim that he was just “hustling” when he ran into the office the other day, and Benjy pointed out that he was early today. Howard asked Benjy how he felt about arriving early today, so Benjy admitted that it felt fine. After the usual struggle, Benjy revealed he left home at 5:45 this morning to ensure his promptness, and Howard mandated that Benjy leave for work at that time every day. HowardTV then played footage of Benjy entering the lobby calmly today, and everyone commended his new “grown-up” behavior.