Show Rundown: March 31, 2008
George Takei Is Back but Artie Lange Not Here to Welcome Him
George’s Porn Stash
Riley Martin Loves a Stiff Food Poison
Riley Martin Loves a Stiff Food Poison

Riley Martin called in to complain about Howard “poisoning” his contract negotiations, but Howard disputed the claim for the thousandth time. Riley argued that he was also being mistreated during his Killers of Comedy appearances, so Shuli came in to counter that Riley accosted him at a recent Killers gig: an upset Riley “stood up with a bottle of ‘food poisoning’ in his hand” and threatened Shuli because there weren’t any free bottles of water in his hotel room. Riley said the only “noble” person on the Killers of Comedy was the Iron Sheik, so Sal came in to laugh that the Sheik’s “nobility” was just a lack of understanding; “After [Riley] left the room, the Sheik turned to us and said ‘what the f’ is he talking about’?” Shuli laughed that the morning after Riley’s disastrous performance, Riley was “engaging in ‘food poisoning'” by 9AM. Tim Sabean then came in to list Riley’s laughable demands: a better (and longer) timeslot for his show and a one to two-year contract.