Show Rundown: July 21, 2008
Daniel Carver’s Voting Dilemma
Daniel Carver’s Voting Dilemma

Howard got Daniel Carver on the line to find out who he was voting for, but Daniel first did his Wake up, white people bit: It ain’t gonna be funny when the n—-rs take over. Howard asked Daniel if he still went to Klan meetings, and Daniel admitted that he did but he’s quit his gig as Grand Dragon. Daniel then claimed that the Jews were behind Obama’s bid for the presidency, so he’s in McCain’s camp. Daniel began quoting Bible passages to support his case that Obama is some kind of apocalypse-triggering Anti-Christ: If God’s gonna put Obama in there to finish us off, there’s nothing we can do about it. Howard asked if Daniel would vote for McCain if he chose Lieberman for his running mate, but Daniel resisted: I ain’t gonna vote for no n—-r and I ain’t gonna vote for no Jew.
Daniel said he didn’t even care about Obama’s qualifications: He could be a great president, but he should be a president in Africa…God don’t love black people. Howard couldn’t sign on with Daniel’s black-people-are-animals theory, citing Obama’s Harvard education, but Daniel was insistent: A n—-r can mate with a monkey and have a baby. I read about it in the National Enquirer…[just] put a little pair of pants on ’em and let ’em ride a bicycle around.
Howard thought Obama’s candidacy meant that people were finally starting to look past race, and Daniel agreed: Money, sex and drugs that’s all they care about. Daniel added that it would be better to have a black president than a Jewish one: I wouldn’t vote for either one of ’em. But yeah, I’d prefer to be led by a monkey than a devil…A monkey is higher than a Jew. The Jew is a devil.