Show Rundown: August 12, 2008
Get a Girl, Artie
Evan the Engineer is an Underground Fighter
Evan the Engineer is an Underground Fighter
Howard noted that one of the show’s sound engineers, Evan, is not only a hardcore surfer, but also an “underground fighter.” An emailer even claimed to have seen the diminutive Evan fight a big black guy at a fight club and break the guy’s elbow – and kneecap. Evan came in to say the stories were just partly true: “When I was in California, I used to spar part-time, but nothing serious…I’ve only broken a guy’s arm…and elbow.” Howard was blown away, noting that Evan also was a champion weightlifter and once nearly made the Olympic Swim Team: “Are you Batman?”
Howard asked Evan if anyone in the room could take him, but Evan didn’t think so: “Not a chance…breaking a kneecap would be easy to do…it doesn’t matter how big you are.” Howard said he was surprised that Evan was so athletic, as he’s such a small guy, but Evan explained: “I’m ripped. I have, like, 3% body fat.” Evan lifted up his shirt to demonstrate, leading Robin to tell him that he shouldn’t wear a shirt to work. Evan said his underground fighting past was “kind of like the movie…a fighter could make like $20-30 grand a night.” Evan said he could never make much money because the smaller fighters weren’t as popular: “It’s like the UFC. People don’t want to see the smaller guys fight.” Howard noted that Evan once jokingly threatened to break every bone in Jason’s body: “The whole phone system was down and Jason said the issue was always with the engineering staff, when it was the phone company.”