Show Rundown: August 14, 2008
Sal is Officially Disinvited
Sal is Officially Disinvited
Sal does himself no favors for a wedding invitation.

Howard started off the show noting that Beth sat him down to discuss something “very serious” last night, and he knew that it was going to be about Sal. Howard said Beth was upset by Sal’s claim that his invite to the wedding meant she had “finally come to her senses.” Robin agreed, adding that Sal must be having some kind of “psychotic break.” Howard said, “Here’s how it’s working: He and his wife were coming…Now they’re not.” Howard then played a few clips of Sal on yesterday’s Wrap-Up Show.
In the clips, Sal was puzzled by the idea that Howard wasn’t always like his on-air persona: “He’s not? Then who am I?” Sal then burst into the studio (which Fred brilliantly scored with The Who’s “Who Are You?”) to say that “the last thing I want from you is for you and Beth to be uncomfortable…the best place to put me is to put me out.” Sal wished Howard and Beth the best: “I made my bed.” Howard thanked Sal and told him not to change – just don’t show up at the wedding.