Show Rundown: January 22, 2009
Amy Fisher’s Dirty Talk Turns Off the Staff
Artie Comments on Vanessa Grigoriadis and Joan Rivers
Artie Comments on Vanessa Grigoriadis and Joan Rivers

Howard read Vanessa Grigoriadis’ rebuttal to the comments Artie made yesterday about the Rolling Stone article she wrote about him, which Artie prefaced: “She was actually an alright broad. I didn’t call her an ‘uppity bitch.'”
Howard echoed some of Vanessa’s sentiments, telling Artie he’d be glad to hold down the fort while Artie went to rehab for a month. Artie resisted: “Being able to do stand-up is a blessing because I can go on a bender for a week and do a gig and make it all back.”
Old School Showbiz

Artie later complained about how Joan Rivers treated him yesterday, saying she subscribed to the “old-school showbiz thing” where she only acknowledges Howard and Robin. Howard said he understood Artie’s complaint, so Artie continued, explaining that he frequently made the decision to take a back seat: “Where I really bite my tongue is with someone like Paul McCartney…I’m sorry I fell asleep (yesterday)! What can I tell ya?”