Show Rundown: February 3, 2009
Howard Catches Gange Updating Facebook at Work
Reviewing Christian Bale’s On-Set Freakout
Eric the Midget Predicts 200-400 Ticket Sales for His Next Appearance
Jason Gets Knocked for his Appearance
The Britney Stevens Game February 3, 2009
Round 2 with Susie Stalker
David Brenner Comes Clean About His Age
David Brenner Comes Clean About His Age

David Brenner stopped by to promote his upcoming comedy tour and told the crew he was having a hard time getting booked on “The Tonight Show.” Despite the fact that he knows Jay personally – Jay will tell him: “Oh I gotta check with the staff.”
Howard laughed that David was also there to admit he’d been lying about his age for years – but everyone knew that anyway: “By the way, Gilbert Gottfried is coming in next week to admit he’s Jewish.” David said he decided to chop 9 years off his age back when he was touring colleges so the 20-year-old students wouldn’t think he was over 30. It proved to be a big mistake: “I should’ve done 10. Every time I was asked my age, I had to do math.”
Howard asked for the current number, and David fessed up: “The next birthday – which is very close to now – you’ve got me nervous…tomorrow I’m gonna be, um – give me a chance – I’m gonna be, um, 73.”
Aging Ain’t So Bad Though