Show Rundown: February 9, 2009
Artie Makes Amends with Gary
Gary’s First-Hand Account of Chris Brown and Rihanna’s Tumultuous Relationship
Richard Christy’s Diaper Redux
MLB Whistleblower Brian McNamee Talks Steroids
Norm MacDonald Doesn’t Want Your Wife
Richard and ‘Ben-She’ Hit Comic-Con
Richard and ‘Ben-She’ Hit Comic-Con
February 9, 2009

Richard came in to say he and Benjy (or “Ben-She” – he was dressed as a woman) went to Comic-Con over the weekend and pissed off a lot of people there by asking them about the bulges in their pants. Richard laughed that Benjy got kicked out after yelling questions in the video game screening rooms: “Seeing a guy dressed as a woman get dragged out of Comic-Con was one of the funniest things ever.”