Show Rundown: April 2, 2009
Ali (Robin) vs. Frazier (Howard)
Lisa G is Wild and Crazy
Lisa G is Wild and Crazy
April 2, 2009

Howard played a clip from yesterday’s Wrap-Up Show in which Lisa G claimed to have a wild past: “My thing used be, ‘Whatever, let’s go’…so now I guess I’m more conservative.”
Asked to explain what “whatever” usually meant, Lisa said she would stay out all night – and even once had a one-night stand. In the clip, Gary guessed: “Lisa didn’t think it was a one-night stand, she probably thought [the guy] was in love with her.” Robin wondered if Lisa was used to get drunk and Howard laughed that he really didn’t see Lisa as the one passed out over a chair with her panties down around her ankles.