Show Rundown: April 6, 2009
How Does High Pitch Erik Do It?
Ross Zapin Allegedly Puts the Kibosh on Date for Lisa G
Slim Sabean Will Have the Sprig of Lemon
Dominic Barbara is Confused on ‘SuperFan RoundTable’
Marvel Urges Howard to Wait on ‘Wolverine’
Ass Napkin Ed Leaves Gary 90 Voicemails
Ass Napkin Ed Leaves Gary 90 Voicemails
April 6, 2009
Howard played a montage of the 90 voicemails Ass Napkin Ed left for Gary over the weekend, and everyone got a kick out of some of the more inane/repeated asides: “I forgot to tell ya, I rented a Mustang for the week….Guess what, I’m going to get some chicken wings…I think I’m gonna take the Mustang out for a ride.”