Show Rundown: April 28, 2009
Howard Strikes Back After Richard’s Prank
Carol Leifer Opens Up About Her Girlfriend
Carol Leifer Opens Up About Her Girlfriend
Comedian visits the show to promote her new book

Veteran comedian and screenwriter Carol Leifer stopped by to promote her new book, “When You Lie about Your Age, the Terrorists Win,” and Howard told her: “You’re like one of the most successful people in show business but nobody knows about it.”
Howard then asked why she came out as a lesbian so late in life and Carol explained she’d been with tons of guys, including Jerry Seinfeld and Paul Reiser, before meeting the love of her life: “I found true love with my partner,” she said. “When I turned 40, I really wanted to have an affair with a woman. It became like an obsession.”
Carol told the crew she’d previously been with a woman during a threesome with a former boyfriend. “It was totally not awkward – and the Quaaludes helped,” she recalled. “There was a lot of sucking and eff-ing going on.” The encounter did not, however, help her realize she was gay. “I had very good sex and relationships with guys after that point.” Then one day she met her current partner and had a mutual friend set up a golf date. “I said, ‘Look, what would it hurt if we just made out?'” she recalled.
No Hollywood Lesbian Cabal
Carol said her partner had been “full lesbian since college,” attracted a lot of attention when they go out, and was very sexually aggressive: “She’s as doggy as any guy I’ve been with.”
The pair have been together for 13 years and are now raising an adopted son. Howard asked if there was a “little club” of famous gay women and Carol laughed it off, explaining she’d worked with and befriended Ellen DeGeneres and Portia DeRossi but was unaware of any sinister lesbian cabal in Hollywood.