Show Rundown: June 10, 2009
Is Robin Too Preachy?
Is Robin Too Preachy?
Robin started off the show saying she went to the premiere of “Food INC” last night and loved the message. After she finished discussing the documentary’s subject, Ralph called in to say Robin was shooting herself in the foot: “It sounds like you’re preaching to people.” Robin admitted she might not come off well, explaining: “I’m very passionate about it. I want people to understand.”
Ralph continued to rag on Robin (saying she talked to the audience like they were stupid), so she laughed that her sermons weren’t actually directed at the audience – just him: “Well, I am talking to you like you’re stupid.” Howard then claimed Ralph was preachy himself: he’s so excited about Mickey Rourke’s role in the “Iron Man” sequel, he keeps emailing Howard photos that leak from the set.
Howard took a call Lori Levine, who was at the “Food INC” premiere and witnessed Robin’s friend carrying her “arm couch” sling device: “The thing is massive…there was someone who was like a couch handler.” Robin said the handler was just a friend who gracefully held her sling while her picture was taken in the press line. Howard joked: “Someone told me the other day that Christopher Reeve’s wheelchair wasn’t as big as Robin’s apparatus.” Lori agreed: “It’s not attractive.”