Show Rundown: June 15, 2009
Dan the Cheap Song Parody Man
Jack Black Stops By the Stern Show
Jack Black Stops By the Stern Show
Actor visits to promote his film "Year One"

Jack Black stopped by to promote his new movie “Year One” and commended Kobe Bryant for finally winning a Shaq-less championship: “He got the monkey off his back.”
Jack added that he wasn’t doing so well – he picked up a nasty flu while filming “Gulliver’s Travels” in London: “No matter which end you’re putting in the toilet, something’s coming out.”
So the Movie Bombed, Kiss Cloris
Howard asked how Tenacious D was doing, so Jack laughed that the rock duo’s movie was a bomb. “It was a big flop. Zero people went to see it,” he said. “I was devastated because I was going around town telling people how awesome it was going to be.”
Jack confessed the movie’s failure ended his writing career. He’s since turned to sitcom guest spots, making out with Cloris Leachman on a recent episode of “The Office.” “She turned to me like she was ready to do it,” he recalled. “When she was massaging my hand in that way, I was feeling like, ‘She knows what to do. She knows how to please me.’ I was inspired.”
Jennifer Love Hewitt in 1B
Jack told the crew about Jennifer Love Hewitt hitting on him on the set of “I Know What You Did Last Summer.”
“She gave me the impression that I could lay down with her and, I really should keep my mouth shut, but when I get the impression … she was like, ‘Hey if you wanna chill, you can chill in my room – go chill in my room. It’s 1B,'” he recalled. “I went there and I realized there was no trailer 1B. It was a hotel room.'”