Show Rundown: September 23, 2009
Robin Befriends Gayle King
Robin Moves from Enemas to Beads
Robin Moves from Enemas to Beads

Robin noted that she’d recently met with a doctor who uses beads to help people lose weight – he tapes two small beads behind your ears and massages you with them in a manner that (supposedly) curbs his patients’ appetites.
Howard demanded Robin prove her story: “Show me these beads.” Robin obliged, but Howard thought they looked iffy: “What is that – a band-aid over it?” Robin said it was something like that. Howard wondered if Robin’s obsession with weight-loss had gone too far, but Robin insisted this was a healthy process: “I don’t have a problem losing weight. As you can see, I’m still losing weight. So obviously that is not my issue. I’m just interested in ways other people are losing weight.”
Robin later explained that she might write a book about the various methods people try to trim down.
Scott the Engineer is Down 55 lbs.

While they were on the subject of weight loss, Scott the Engineer came in to tell the crew he’d recently lost 55 lbs. Fred joked that Scott looked like a “lumpy Bruce Willis,” and Robin doubted Scott’s ability to keep the weight off. An indignant Scott said he was “never hungry and always satisfied” and promised to stick with it: “This is my diet from now on.”