Show Rundown: October 7, 2009
Larry Johnson on the Mistreatment of Ted Williams’ Cryogenically Frozen Head
The Amish Guy Game: October 7, 2009
The Amish Guy Game: October 7, 2009

Howard allowed a caller to play a round of The Amish Guy Game, explaining that they asked an Amish Guy a series of trivia questions – and the caller has to guess whether or not the Amish guy knows the correct answer. 3 out of 5 wins him $711.
The questions, followed by the caller’s prediction and the Amish guy’s answer:
What is the First Lady’s first name? No. “Michelle.” What is Howard Stern famous for? Yes. “Howard Stern? Can’t remember that.” What is an iPod? Yes. “Something like a little computer?” (Howard gave him that) What NFL player was jailed for abusing dogs? No. “Mick Vick.” Who is Jay Leno? Yes. “Is he one of the Beatles?” Howard gave the caller the prize anyway.