Show Rundown: October 8, 2009
No Beautiful People on Jay Leno’s Show
Beth’s Coming Home
A 2-Day Week for the Stern Show?
Bill Keller is a Birther
Sal Gets a Comped Surprise Party at Rick’s Cabaret
The Amish Guy Game: October 8, 2009
The Amish Guy Game: October 8, 2009
October 8, 2009

Howard allowed a caller to play a round of The Amish Guy Game, explaining that they asked an Amish Guy a series of trivia questions – and the caller has to guess whether or not the Amish guy knows the correct answer. 3 out of 5 wins him $711.
The questions, followed by the caller’s prediction and the Amish guy’s answer: What NFL player nicknamed “The Juice” was put on trial for murdering his ex-wife? No. “O.J. Simpson.” How many kids to reality stars Jon & Kate have? Yes. “Uh, eight.” What is Facebook? No. “Uh, I have no idea.” Who is Donald Trump? Yes. “He’s one of the richest men in the world, I think.”