Daily Rundown: November 18, 2009
Howard’s Big Night Out
Chevy Chase Calls in to Promote a Good Cause
Medicated Pete’s Date with Dynah
Medicated Pete’s Date with Dynah
Howard got Dynah on the phone and invited Medicated Pete into the studio so they could recap their date. Dynah sounded disappointed: “It was really tough.” Howard asked Pete if he thought it went well, and Pete shrugged: “I thought so. Maybe I’m not seeing it properly. I kinda had reservations. I don’t know. I can’t–I can’t really put my finger on it.”
Howard said he’d heard audio of the date and Pete’s big mistake was not asking Dynah any questions: “You couldn’t have been any less interested in her.” Howard thought Pete should’ve at least asked about her schooling, and Dynah agreed: “It would’ve been great conversation.” Pete confessed: “I was just so nervous…it didn’t go well.”
Pete Practices on Miss HowardTV
Howard thought Pete could use a little practice, so he had him try to talk with Miss HowardTV, Reby Sky to get comfortable. Reby asked Pete about himself and he reported: “I’m a guy that likes to chill out, go look at uh-at uh sporting events and stuff.” Pete then asked Reby: “You like to hang out and stuff?”
Howard laughed that he needed to be more specific, so Pete tried again–but sounded too aggressive: “So what made you become a Giants chick? Why do you like the Giants?” As the faux-date continued, Pete kept killing the conversation with a stock “That’s pretty cool” reply and questions like: “What’s it like being you?” Howard eventually excused Reby from the exercise and had Pete try to hit on an imaginary girl. Pete wasn’t any better: “Let’s go. What’s going on? You’re so beautiful. Why do you wanna talk to me?” Sal then came in with some advice: “No girl would be with me if she knew the real me. You gotta lie your ass off.”