Show Rundown: November 19, 2009
Howard Skips Robin’s Benefit
Howard Skips Robin’s Benefit
Howard started off the show saying he skipped Robin’s charity benefit last night. Robin was disappointed: “I thought maybe you’d surprise me.” A puzzled Howard asked: “By showing up?” Robin laughed: “By buying a painting!” Robin’s joke left Howard even more confused: “You told me not to!”
Robin reported that the event was a success, as it was really just meant to raise awareness in the UN’s Girl Fund. Robin added that she was particularly moved by a charity worker who told her about going door-to-door to ask that people send their daughters to school.
Howard didn’t think that sounded like a good time: “When I hear these stories, it makes me want to vomit. [But] somebody’s got to do the work. I’m proud of you.”