Show Rundown: January 20, 2010
Ass Napkin Ed Wants to be Called the ‘King of All Naps’
Robin Declared the Stern Show’s ‘Voice of Reason’
Robin Declared the Stern Show’s ‘Voice of Reason’
Ms. Quivers was recently dubbed such on "The Joy Behar Show"
January 20, 2010

Howard played a few clips from Robin’s appearance on ‘The Joy Behar Show’ yesterday and took issue with Robin’s introduction as the ‘voice of reason’ on the Stern show: “I am so tired of Robin being called the ‘voice of reason’…I mean, she’s so not. I’m blowing the lid off that.”
Howard joked that the product Robin was promoting was herself: “This is part of an orchestrated campaign to bring Robin into the limelight. And I’m behind it. Believe me…she is here and she is a talent to be recognized.”