Show Rundown: April 14, 2010
Doug Goodstein Loves to Travel… To Strip Clubs
Medicated Pete Has a Girlfriend
Buzz Aldrin on ‘Dancing With the Stars’ and Mars
Buzz Aldrin on ‘Dancing With the Stars’ and Mars
Astronaut talks about his TV colleague Nicole Scherzinger

Astronaut turned reality show star Buzz Aldrin visited the Stern Show on Wednesday, opening up about everything from his hopes for the space program to appearing on “Dancing With the Stars.”
Howard asked Buzz what he thought of Nicole Scherzinger, one of his fellow “Dancing with the Stars” contestants, and Buzz said she was the most attractive on the show.
“Number one with me. She came from Hawaii … it was one of the appreciated sidelights of being a part of all that,” Buzz said.
Pleased with Buzz’s candid statements, Howard pressed further into the famed American’s sex life. Buzz laughed: “As you move on in age, you’re either dealing with a little blue pill or a little yellow pill.”
Buzz Hopes for a Mission to Mars
Buzz told the crew that he hoped NASA would send a manned mission to Mars next: “We sure have no business going back to the Moon,” he said. “There may be some good science–some good commercial developments–but I don’t know what they are.”
On his way out, Buzz took issue with being called a “former astronaut” as, in his words: “Once an astronaut, always an astronaut.”