Show Rundown: September 14, 2010
The Oprah Crowd Flips (Again)
Howard’s Baby Position Weakens
Hattie Is 74 and Still Going Strong
Hattie Is 74 and Still Going Strong

Howard welcomed Hattie, a 74-year-old woman who loves to have sex with younger men, to the studio and noted that she used to be Robin’s massage therapist. Robin laughed: “I can confirm–she’s always slept with younger guys.” Hattie said she didn’t allow age to factor into her sexual relationships (“We’re all going in the same direction.”) and insisted on romantic intercourse: “I make love and so do they, sweetie.” Howard joked: “And nobody throws up?”
Hattie said it was easy to be comfortable in your aging body “if you look forward to being disgusting.” To demonstrate, Hattie stripped off her top–shocking Howard: “Oh-ho-ho! Look at those things! Wow. They do look youthful.” Robin said Hattie had obviously had a surgeon reverse the aging process: “She has preserved her tits.”
Hattie shrugged: “I love to be naked altogether. Nakedness in mind, body and spirit.”

‘We Sucked, We Licked, We Bit’
Hattie told the crew that her most recent sexual partner was a 35-year-old man she met on Hattie insisted the guy wasn’t looking to hook up with an older woman: “He was looking for me. There is a distinction…we’re not talking old woman.”
After a brief date, they retired to her bedroom: “The first time he didn’t enter me…we sucked, we licked, we bit.” Hattie then showed Howard her ass, but he held his tongue until she left the studio: “At 74, it’s not a terrible ass, but it’s nothing anyone should see.”