Ronnie Unleashed
Ronnie Unleashed

Howard said he wouldn’t soon forget the creepy nickname Ronnie gave one of the interns (“Smiles.”), crediting the higher profile Ronnie enjoys at Sirius: “When he got up here he became a whole personality. Ronnie unleashed.”
Howard then played some more clips of Ronnie’s stripper “definitions,” including one of Ronnie defining a dancer as “one of a kind.”
Howard wondered if the definition–which came after “super sexy smokin’ hot”–was a slight: “I think One of a Kind’s an insult, Ron.” Ronnie insisted it wasn’t: “It’s better.”
Howard asked if Ronnie was distracted by the fact that “One of a Kind” was rubbing his nipples at the time, and Ronnie nodded: “Yes. Definitely.”
Ronnie’s Different Friends

Ronnie admitted that being “unleashed Ronnie” wasn’t all it was cracked up to be: his recent divorce had left him with fewer friends, as his buddies’ wives don’t want them participating in
Ronnie’s stripper and Mambo fueled lifestyle. Robin said she backed away from a mutual friend for the same reason: “I don’t want to be in the middle of anything so I kind of backed up.” Ronnie insisted his life didn’t revolve around strippers and Lonnie, the manager at Rick’s Cabaret: “I’m not only friends with Lonnie. I have different friends.”