Show Rundown: December 15, 2010
David Arquette Is (‘Not Really’) Sick
David Arquette Is (‘Not Really’) Sick
David Arquette stopped by–despite Howard’s protestations–and insisted his hoarse voice wasn’t the result of an illness: “I’m not really sick…I don’t have a ‘cold’ cold. I just lost my voice.”
David told Howard to man up (“What are you? A little girl?”) as he wasn’t about to leave the studio: “I’m not gonna miss Little Lupe and Dave Lambert!”
Howard said he’d been thinking about David and come to believe that he was having a nervous breakdown.
David nodded, “I definitely am having a nervous breakdown,” later adding it was more of a mid-life crisis–not a nervous breakdown.
David said his marriage was in shambles: “It’s not over but it seems like it’s over…you don’t know what kind of shitstorm I’ve been in since the–since The Great Phone Call.”
Arquette’s Revelation
David said he’d recently had a revelation: “It was like a semi-religious experience…when I drink I become a maniac…if it’s scotch, I’m just an absolute madman.” David has since sobered up: “I’m definitely not drinking for a long time.”
David said he’d hit bottom when he’d drunkenly confused one friend for another at an Adam Sandler party: “I turn around and go, ‘Hey, Sean!’ And it’s Tom Cruise…I’d had a couple at that point.”