Show Rundown: March 3, 2011
Charlie Sheen to Host His Own Show
Charlie Sheen to Host His Own Show
March 3, 2011

Early in the show, Gary said he’d texted Charlie Sheen last night and relayed Howard’s offer: a microphone in Sheen’s house he can use to broadcast over Howard 101 with just the push of a button. Sheen had texted back 3 words: “Interested. Radical. Winning.” Howard was pleased: “So it looks like Charlie might be on board for that.” Robin thought an unedited look into Charlie’s world could be enlightening: “He always says, if you’re coming into his world, you’ve got to suspend judgement.” Howard thought he’d like a dose of Charlie’s ‘Charlie Sheen’ drug in himself: “Not all of it, because I couldn’t handle it.”