Show Rundown: April 27, 2011
Beth’s Last Name Is…?
Beth’s Last Name Is…?
Howard's puzzled at Beth's billing on her new show.

Early in the show, Howard complained that Beth was being billed as Beth Ostrosky-Stern in promos for her new TV show–a name that was news to him: “If you were asking me, ‘What’s the one annoying thing about your wife?’ It’s [that] I don’t know what her name is.” A caller named Pete, thought Howard was being insecure, so Howard clarified: “Not insecure, Pete–I just think, when you’re married to someone, you should know what their name is.” Howard continued: “I think she’s got some hang-up about fully becoming Beth Stern, quite frankly…I would like her to have my last name, but I can’t force her to [take it].” Beth later stopped by with a puppy that needed adopting…and to assure Howard that she was Beth Stern: “What would you like me to be?” Howard said Beth Stern, so Beth announced: “Ok. Done…why don’t I legally change it and then there will be no more questions.” Howard was confused: “I thought you did.”