Show Rundown: June 22, 2011
Scott DePace’s Spin Zone
Lisa G. Went Out with Wayne Siegel
Wayne Would Still Bang Her
Panhandling at the Top of the Food Chain
Leslie West Calls In Following Leg Amputation
Leslie West Calls In Following Leg Amputation

Mountain frontman, Leslie West called in to say he was recovering well after his lower-leg amputation. Leslie said he’d had stents put in the leg earlier this year and was doing great–until he stopped taking blood-thinner supplements: “My doctor told me to stop taking the Coumadin, which was stupid, and between the Coumadin and [a] 10-hour plane flight, my foot turned blue.”
Leslie said he’d lost consciousness, forcing his wife to have to choose between his life and his leg: “She had to make that decision. To cut above the knee or below the knee.”
Leslie didn’t think the amputation wouldn’t slow him down though: “I just got to figure out how to play the guitar with one foot.”
Howard was glad to hear it: “Would you send me your right shoe? Your boot. You’re not gonna need it anymore and I could probably sell it on eBay.”