Show Rundown: June 22, 2011
Scott DePace’s Spin Zone
Lisa G. Went Out with Wayne Siegel
Wayne Would Still Bang Her
Panhandling at the Top of the Food Chain
Panhandling at the Top of the Food Chain
Late in the show, Shuli came in to reveal that JD–who was out sick today–had asked to join the staff’s road appearances to earn a little extra cash. But JD had quoted Shuli a $5,000 minimum appearance fee, nearly ten times what Shuli could budget: “To come out and say hello at the end of the show? I don’t know, like $500?”
Shuli regretted ever getting involved with the staff’s appearances, as their exorbitant fees frequently leave little left over for himself: “Between Scott and Ronnie–between them? I get an ulcer.”
But still, Shuli said he’s doing better than his pre-Stern show days, remembering the time he performed stand-up in a Colorado bowling alley: “You know what I made? Bus fare for the ride home…this is definitely the top of the food chain.”