Show Rundown: July 26, 2011
Steve Langford Quits the Show
Hard Hitting Journalism: Was Langford Bitter?
Avoiding Artie’s Dis-Ease
Crystal Harris of ‘The Girls Next Door’ Stops By
She Only Banged Hef Once … Barely
Eric the Actor Is Baaaack-Ack
Eric the Actor Is Baaaack-Ack
Wack Packer returns to the show after a short hiatus

Late in the show, Johnny Fratto called in and said Eric the Actor was on the line with him: “I’m here.”
Howard said he always knew Eric would come back: “I just want an apology because I was right. Remember when you said to me, ‘There’s no way I’m returning to the show’?”
Eric said he wasn’t technically back: “I’m not! Johnny called in. I’m on the phone with Johnny. I didn’t dial the number myself.”
Robin Quivers laughed at Eric’s logic: “Have you missed us?” Eric snapped (“Not a damn bit.”) but later admitted he’d missed Howard: “You, yourself, maybe a little. The abuse I get from the fans and shit like that, I don’t miss that one bit. Or the hours I’m left on hold either.”
Of course, Eric’s motivation soon became clear–he asked to be the show’s red carpet correspondent at “The Smurfs” premiere: “I used to collect them as a kid.”
As they wound up their conversation, Howard, Eric, and Johnny agreed to negotiate Eric’s full return to the show later this week.