Show Rundown: January 3, 2012
Please Hold For Howard Stern
Howard Confuses Paul McCartney for Someone Else on the Phone
Benjy’s Big Star Attire, Attitude
Pro-Family or Pro-Publicity?
Pro-Family or Pro-Publicity?

Howard then played clips of reports about his new gig, including several about the “pro-family” groups protesting his involvement: “I think it’s funny that the Parent Television Council–[or] the five guys that formed that to raise money–are against me already.”
Robin Quivers expressed shock the organization would debate this “like the debt crisis or something” after David Hasselhoff, one of the show’s previous judges, had been videotaped–by his daughter–drunkenly eating a hamburger off the floor: “The Parent Council [sic] said nothing.”
Robin wondered if Howard planned to promote the show at the network ‘Up Fronts’, but Howard said he didn’t. He also refused to join his co-hosts for a magazine cover: “I’d rather be on myself and let those two do the inside piece.”
Even promo spots were questionable: “If I’m sitting around and they want to shoot a promo, go ahead. I hired a guy with a wig and a big nose to stand in.”