Show Rundown: February 22, 2012
Howard and Ellen Find Common Ground, Bury the Hatchet
Here’s Who Attended the Jimmy Kimmel ‘Halibut 3’ Hollywood Party
Robin Falls For an Internet Scam
Robin Falls For an Internet Scam
February 22, 2012

Howard noted that the entire staff got one of those “stranded in Europe” phishing emails from Stacy Lange over the break. Apparently her email account had been hacked, and Robin, in some kind of cold-medicated haze, was the only one to fall for it: “So what does Robin do, sick as a dog? She’s such a sweetie…she decides to wire Stacy Lange 1,400 euros.” Robin said she thought it would be an easy task since she already had a Western Union account, “because I once had to wire someone else money.” Gary laughed: “A Nigerian prince!” When her head cleared, she quickly canceled the transfer.