Show Rundown: March 05, 2012
Another Bathroom-Gate
Howard’s Plan For ‘American Idol’
Jonah Hill is Oscar Famous
Jonah Hill is Oscar Famous

Jonah Hill stopped by to promote his latest film, “21 Jump Street”: “I’ve been on the movie for 5 years. I wrote it. 23 to 28.” He explained how he resisted the project at first: “I was like, ‘I’m not turning a TV show into a movie. This is lazy. This is stupid.'” But then inspiration struck: I wanted to make ‘Bad Boys’ meets a John Hughes movie. … It’s like John Hughes and ‘Bad Boys’ banged and had a baby.” Jonah looked forward to hosting SNL this weekend, saying he planned to pitch a few ideas of his own: “If you were the host, you would get in there. You protect yourself.” Asked how he felt about following Lindsay Lohan (a laugh bomb but ratings success), Jonah laughed that he felt little pressure: “I imagine it’s an easy act to follow. I’d rather go after her than Bill Murray.”
The “Private Parts” Acting Method
Jonah said he’d prepared for his Oscar-nominated role in “Moneyball” by watching 3 films: “The Natural,” “All the President’s Men” and “Private Parts”: “Everyone thought [you] were bat-shit crazy and then [you] did it and it started working and they all looked like idiots for doubting [you]. And ‘Moneyball’ was same exact story to me.” He thought he was well-prepared right up to the first day of rehearsals: “It was me, Brad Pitt and Philip Seymour Hoffman. I was shitting my pants.” But the Oscar went to Christopher Plummer, who played an aging gay cancer victim: “Gay and cancer! Jesus Christ. All [my character] did was go on a computer.” Christopher also won every other award: “I’ve had the same f***ing speech in my pocket at every one of these award shows!” Asked who he’d planned to thank, Jonah deadpanned: “You guys and, obviously, Eric the Actor.”
On Brad & Angie
Howard wondered if Jonah had formed a bond with his “Moneyball” co-star, and Jonah nodded: “I would consider myself friends with him. For sure. Like, he and Angie came to my birthday party.” Jonah said he’d even stayed at their home in New Orleans: “When I shot ’21 Jump Street,’ I stayed there for 4 months.” Accordingly, Jonah dodged questions about Angelina’s infamous Oscars leg pose: “I didn’t even notice it. Honestly. I don’t even know why people are making such a big deal out of it.”
Is He Dating Dustin Hoffman’s Daughter?
Asked if he was dating the same girl as he was the last time he was on, Jonah said they’d broken up, proving why he shouldn’t have been so effusive during his last appearance on the show: “Unless you’re getting married, don’t f***ing talk about your relationship. … You know, like Tom Cruise jumping on a couch.” To this end, Jonah refused to say if he was now dating Dustin Hoffman’s daughter: “I’m not going to talk about relationships! What did I just say?!” Jonah also refused to say if he was in love: “I’m in love with balloons that can fly little people who are also actors through the sky.” Howard became irritated (“You sound like Jennifer Aniston now.”), so Jonah let a little bit slip: “She’s f***ing incredible. Greatest person I know. … If I could take a picture of this moment in my life, I would live [in] it forever.”
On Losing to OJ
Before he left, Jonah remembered his first taste of post-Superbad fame. He and Michael Cera went out to celebrate, and Jonah ended up making out with a really hot girl–until OJ Simpson walked in and stole her away: “I was like, ‘Girl, don’t you know how this story f***ing ends?'” But Jonah’s prospects improved–years later, he banged a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model: “That was the highlight of my single life. Yeah. I’m the luckiest guy on the planet.” On his way out, Jonah hoped to continue his string of successes–and weight loss: “I’m trying, man, but I drink beer a lot. … Beer is my Achilles heel.” He’s at least happy with what he’s achieved so far: “I’m not a huge guy anymore. That’s awesome. I’m proud of that.”