Show Rundown: March 21, 2012
Jeff Goldblum as ‘Howard Stern’
JD On His Twitter Verification
Sal’s Spelling: Still a Problem
Howard Praises Eric the Actor’s ‘In Plain Sight’ Performance
Howard Praises Eric the Actor’s ‘In Plain Sight’ Performance
Wack Packer's role was short but memorable
March 21, 2012
Howard got Eric the Actor on the line to praise his “In Plain Sight” performance.
“You can barely understand what he’s saying … but it’s worth watching. For sure. Eric’s on there for all of ten seconds,” Howard said.
Eric said he was a committed actor. “This personality you hear on air is a fucking act. It’s not my personality,” he said. “Legitimately, I’m a pleasant person to be around.”
Howard laughed that he’d seen as much when Eric attended a taping of “America’s Got Talent’s” San Francisco auditions: “He doesn’t say anything. He just stares at you.”