Show Rundown: March 28, 2012
Eric the Actor or Eric the Show Killer?
Eric the Actor or Eric the Show Killer?
Wack Packer's TV appearances haven't always fared well for the show

Early in the show, Eric the Actor called in to clear up some issues: “For starters, why do you keep flip-flopping with the damn nickname?”
Howard pointed to the series-low ratings for Eric’s “In Plain Sight” appearance (and series-ending appearance on “American Dreams”) and wondered if Eric should really be “Eric the Show Killer.”
Eric claimed that ratings meant nothing: “To me, if the network executives are fine with it, f’ you.” Gary laughed: “Now you’re officially an actor.” Eric said Gary was right, repeating his claim that he’s simply playing a “character” when he calls in: “On here, every morning, I play a guy that’s hated. I’m actually a nice guy in real life.” Eric thought Howard’s listeners didn’t get the nuance: “A lot of your fans aren’t playing with 51 cards in your deck.” As the crew laughed at his error, Eric scoffed: “Off by one.”
Eric the Replacement
While he was on the phone, Eric asked if Howard had seen the “America’s Got Talent” commercial that ran during Monday night’s “The Voice.” Of course Howard had seen it, but then started to complain about having to work during all of his vacations. Hearing that, Eric offered to replace him on the show if he decides not to return next year.