Show Rundown: September 10, 2012
Howard Did Letterman
‘Barack Obama’ Loves Big Brown Puppies
‘Barack Obama’ Loves Big Brown Puppies
Impressionist Ben Campbell calls in as the Commander-in-Chief
September 10, 2012

Impressionist Ben Campbell called in as “Barack Obama” to catch up with Howard.
Not-Barack revealed his reelection campaign was getting him down. “I’m in way over my head. I know it’s an uphill battle … [but] since I’ve been president, Michelle’s been banging me like I’m George Clooney at an L.A. whorehouse,” he said.
Ben-as-Barack also went over his credentials and plans for the future. “Today I’m meeting with the President of Palau. Have you heard of that country? I haven’t either,” he said.
Just before hanging up, “Obama” wished co-host Robin Quivers well. “I love those big brown puppies,” he said.