Show Rundown: September 19, 2012
Kidd Chris, Moving Again
Eric the Actor’s 10th Anniversary
Eric the Actor’s 10th Anniversary
A listener recalls the Wack Packer's greatest on-air moments

A caller named Javier, who is a self-professed Eric the Actor expert, noted that today was the 10th anniversary of Eric’s first call to the show.
“He was angry at you because you were being mean to Kelly Clarkson,” Javier said.
Eric was also on the line: “I’ve been emailing you for a couple days now about that.”
Robin Quivers laughed at the date’s significance (“Why aren’t we having some sort of celebration?”), but Eric insisted he was serious: “Some kind of acknowledgment would have been nice.”
Robin scoffed. “Well, that’s happened now.”
With Howard’s help, Javier went on to list Eric’s greatest moments on the show:
1. Eric refusing to be flown with balloons.
2. Eric’s infamous “zero-point-zero” call.
3. Eric telling Johnny Fratto to put a hit out on “Jerry.”
4. Kendra, the porn star Eric thought was his girlfriend.
5. Eric’s ill-fated modeling agency/contest.
6. Eric fearing New Mexican werewolves.
7. Eric threatening to sue the “In Plain Sight” production company over a bottle of Pepsi.