Show Rundown: October 15, 2012
Howard Reacts to Tim Sabean Breaking His Ribs Doing Extreme Motocross
Benjelisa is Now an App
Benjelisa is Now an App

Lisa G reported that Benjy and his girlfriend, Elisa Jordana, had developed an app called Benjelisa. Created in tandem with the Joe Overline, the brains behind Ugly Meter, the (free) app will keep the couple’s fans up to date with music, tour dates and pictures. Howard was unimpressed: “It’s unbelievable. Every person I know who’s on our show, their girlfriends or wives want to be famous.” The only exception: Mary Dell’Abate. Benjy said he was merely trying to give Elisa’s music the push it deserves: “I’m sure you know of a lot of incredible musicians who don’t make a career out of it. … She was ready to give up music. I’m telling her not to.” Howard promised to test Elisa’s talent in-studio: she’ll soon face country western legend Kenny ‘The Gambler’ Rogers in an impromptu songwriting competition.