Show Rundown: January 07, 2013
Medicated Pete’s Film Debut
Pete Make His (Premature) Move
Pete Make His (Premature) Move

Pete said he’d stayed at the producer’s house during the shoot, and Jackie Moore, his co-star, sometimes stayed in the next room. He made his play early on, knocking on her bedroom door and playing it cool: “So I sit down next to her, and I start rubbing her back…” Surprisingly, Jackie let him kiss her: “I actually did kiss her…but she told me she didn’t want to cheat.” Asked if he shot a load while kissing Jackie, Pete confessed that he had: “I think I did. But you know, I didn’t want to tell her I did. … I’m just so–I just need a woman, you know?” Later, Howard called Jackie to confirm the story. And it was true! “I told Pete he was really nice guy, but I was seeing someone. …Yes. I think he’s a really great guy.” Howard was shocked. Pete was smitten: “I do [love her]. I have something going on for her.” Gary laughed: “She had sex with him and she doesn’t even know it.”