Show Rundown: January 29, 2013
The Stern Spouse Nickname Game
Love to Poopsquirt & Mimi
Who Would My Woman Bang? Round 2
Eric the Actor Disputes Being TV’s Grim Reaper
Da Badass Clip of the Week
The ‘Would Howie Rather?’ Game
The ‘Would Howie Rather?’ Game

Toward the end of the show, Howard played a round of Would Howie Rather? The game, in clips, featured Howie Mandel presented with a series of scenarios that would set off all his OCD/germaphobic alarms–the ‘Would you rather…’ choices, followed by Howie’s answers:
Let a homeless man sneeze on you or share a jacuzzi with 10 filthy naked men? “I’d let the homeless person sneeze because I don’t want to be in a jacuzzi with 10 naked men.”
Rub your penis all over a public urinal or lick someone’s face with the chicken pox? “That’s a real conundrum. I’d rub my penis on the urinal.”
Walk around barefoot on a piss-covered public bathroom floor or clean your ears with a used/stranger’s Q-Tip? “I’d walk barefoot around dirty toilets.”
Sleep in a dirty bed infested with bedbugs or wash your face with toilet water? “I’d rather have bedbugs than toilet water on my face.”
Lick the door handle of a NYC cab or brush your teeth with a stranger’s toothbrush? “Lick the handle.”