Show Rundown: February 04, 2013
Pass It, Stern!
The Stern Show Remembers the Great Mayor Ed Koch
Russell Brand Stops by the Show to Discuss His Career and Past Romances
Russell Brand Stops by the Show to Discuss His Career and Past Romances
Entertainer also explains how an unexpected bathroom break made him arrive a bit late

Russell Brand dropped by to promote the expansion of his FX series “Brand X,” but was delayed because he stopped to use the restroom.
“I’m a human being, Howard, with human needs,” he said. “On the radio, you don’t want any kind of blockage. You want to be a clear channel of fluidity.”
Brand blamed his bathroom break on his breakfast, which included a “ludicrously healthy” smoothie containing spinach and lemon and kale and ginger. “It’s absolutely revolting,” he explained. “It looks like the effluvia of Shrek the Giant.”
Romancing Ginger Spice and More
Howard asked Russell about his recent romantic exploits, like a rumored relationship with former Spice Girls singer Geri “Ginger Spice” Halliwell.
Russell said it was never serious. “It wasn’t so much dating as visiting,” he explained. “And she’s a very, very lovely woman. Look, you can do all sorts of different things if you look at life to be some sort of glorious salad bar.”
“We were always simply friends,” Russell added.
The entertainer also wound up discussing actress Demi Moore, saying “I really like her. She’s a beautiful person,” as well as his aversion to condoms.
John Mayer and Katy Perry
Howard wondered if Russell considered himself a better womanizer than John Mayer, the current boyfriend of his ex-wife Katy Perry.
Russell laughed at the thought. “Worse or better, depending on how you view it,” he said.
Howard noted recent news stories about neighbors who complained about Perry and Mayer’s loud bedroom behavior, leading Russell to joke about his sexual prowess in comparison to Mayer’s.
“Do not address my sexual capacities! I won four Shagger of the Year titles!” he said.
Russell went on to explain that his marriage to Perry didn’t crumble because of his poorly received remake of the film “Arthur.”
“It wasn’t that bad, mate,” Russell explained. “A film not doing as well as you hoped is something you can put into context. It didn’t work because we sort of live with different types of people.”
“We got [going] in different directions,” he added.