Show Rundown: February 06, 2013
Even She Can’t Save It
Has Benjy’s Bubble Burst?
Donald Trump On the Line
Donald Trump Weighs in on Halle Berry, Mila Kunis, and Michelle Obama
Extreme Superfan Trivia, Round 1
Extreme Superfan Trivia, Round 2
Extreme Superfan Trivia, Round 2

At the end of the first round, Mark led with 30 points, Carrie had 25, and RJ 20. The 2nd round of questions were worth 10 points: When did Howard & Beth get married? RJ: [drawing of a penis] Carrie: October 8, 2009. Mark: October 8, 2010. [The correct answer: October 3rd 2008] What is Miss Howard Stern’s real name? RJ answered Andrea–but couldn’t remember, unlike Mark and Carrie, her full name: Andrea Ownbey. What frequent guest’s mom taught a young Beetlejuice? Again, RJ blew the question with a partial answer (just “O’Connell”), and both Mark and Carrie answered in full: Jerry O’Connell. On what TV show did Eric the Actor say, “Keys, woman”? All: ‘In Plain Sight.’ Name 2 of Robin’s 3 cats. Mark knew just one: Jennifer Aniston. RJ named both Brangelina and Leroy. Carrie knew all three: Brangelina, Jennifer Aniston, and Leroy Brown. What is the name of Howard’s hairdresser? RJ incorrectly inserted an L: Toni Colburn. Both Mark and Carrie spelled correctly: Toni Coburn.