Show Rundown: February 26, 2013
Alex on Michael Bloomberg (Video)
Alex Jones on LSD & Black Women
JD the DJ and Grade School Stud
The Either/Or game with Mr. Christy!
Gary’s ‘Gross and Disgusting’ Stache
The Iron Sheik Calls in for a Quiet Discussion With Howard
The Iron Sheik Calls in for a Quiet Discussion With Howard
Wrestler does get fired up, however, when talking to "Hulk Hogan"
February 26, 2013

Now in his 70s, the Iron Sheik can no longer go off the rails like he has in so many memorable Stern Show appearances.
Howard instead spoke to an incredibly calm Sheik over the phone, discussing the end of wrestling at the Olympics and how he’s scheduled to be roasted at Caroline’s. It wasn’t until “Hulk Hogan” called in that Sheik got even a little fired up, but nothing close to the temper we’ve seen from him in the past. Nearing the end of his life, Sheik also told Howard he wants to return to Iran one last time before he dies.