Show Rundown: Tuesday June 3, 2014
Jonah Hill Talks to Howard About His Run-In With Paparazzo
Jonah Hill Talks to Howard About His Run-In With Paparazzo

Jonah Hill, a master of both comedy and drama, stopped by the Stern Show this morning and, it turned out, was right in the middle of a big controversy.
TMZ released a video this morning of Jonah blowing up at a persistent paparazzo, hurling a homophobic epitaph at him.
Jonah made no excuses for what he said, but he did try to put the statement in some kind of context, saying the guy had followed him around all day and was insulting him and his family. Jonah finally lost it and he feels terrible.
“In that moment, I said a disgusting word that does not at all reflect how I feel about any group of people,” he told Howard. “I am not at all defending my choice of words, but I am happy to be the poster boy for thinking about what you say and how those words, even if you don’t intend them and how they mean, they are rooted in hate, and that’s bullshit, and I shouldn’t have said that.”
“I think I’m pretty good at making movies, I am not good at being a famous person,” Jonah continued. “I’m a sensitive dude.”
Listen to Jonah in his own words in the clip (below).
Speaking of homosexuality, Jonah and his “22 Jump Street” co-star Channing Tatum made a bet back in the day when they were just that stars of “21 Jump Street.” Jonah realized that if the movie opened at $30 million, it was a smash hit. Channing predicted it would reach $35 million. Jonah was so elated by this prospect that he promised to kiss the tip of Channing’s penis if it came to fruition.
The movie opened at $36 million, but, so far, no tips have been kissed.
Jonah has been nominated twice for the Best Supporting Actor Oscar and both times he brought his mother to the ceremony – a move that always annoys Howard. Jonah said it’s a way to thank his mother for everything, plus, he lives by a golden rule: no ring, no bring.
Jonah also shattered stoner’s dreams when he revealed that he doesn’t actually smoke weed very much. He has no problem with it and he would smoke it if it affected him the way it affects Seth Rogen, but it just makes him paranoid and all up in his own head.