Eric the Actor Says ‘Bye for Now’ to His Caregiver Jon
Eric the Actor Says ‘Bye for Now’ to His Caregiver Jon
Wack Packer shares an update during his call in to the Stern Show

Eric the Actor has said goodbye to the Stern Show many, many, many times. This morning, however, he had a goodbye of a different sort – he had to say goodbye to his longtime friend, roommate, and caregiver Jon.
Jon has been catering to Eric’s every whim for years in exchange for money from our great government. We can’t imagine putting up with Eric day in and day out, but Jon somehow made it through, like Mother Theresa.
Unfortunately, Jon now has to go provide similar care to his own parents. This leaves Eric with no help, forcing him to rely on his parents.
Howard pointed out that this did not bode well for trips to the Bunny Ranch and other odd opportunities Eric gets through his association with the show. Eric did promise that he will still call in, and hopefully he and his male nurse will be reunited someday.