Show Rundown: Monday June 8, 2015
Show Rundown: Monday June 8, 2015
Mick the Nerd and Dr. Ruth Returns!

A few weeks ago, Stern Show superfan and correspondent Wolfie met an interesting character at something called Wizard Con (and you probably have to work hard to be the weirdest character at Wizard Con.
Everybody’s interest was piqued – have we found the next great wack packer? Howard was so excited by Mick’s personality that he didn’t even want to see a photo of him – he wanted everybody to wait until we met him in person for the big reveal.
Well, today was the day everybody! Mick was in the house!

Here are some things we uncovered about Mick the Nerd (and it’s hopefully just the beginning!):
Mick loves and is an expert in Donkey Kong.
Mick identifies as heterosexual, even though he kissed a boy when he was eight years old (who hasn’t?).
Mick is 100% single and ready to mingle! In fact Mick is 24 and he’s never been with a woman.
In fact, Mick has absolutely no friends and enjoys living in his parent’s basement.
Mick enjoys counting his own teeth (he does it frequently) but he recognizes it as a bad habit. He has twenty-eight teeth. How many do you have?
He hates almost every reboot of every comic book franchise.
He came in with a tremendous beard – in fact, he grows it out every year and then shaves it off in January. We were looking at about six months of growth. This presents a problem when Mick has to pick a Comic Con costume because there are very few characters with big bushy beards.
He’s way into black chicks with large breasts. So, naturally, he was in heaven staring at our own Robin Ophelia Quivers, who is the most beautiful of all large-breasted black women.

Everybody knows and loves Dr. Ruth Westheimer – renowned sex therapist has been on the show many times. Naturally, you’re aware that the pint-size powerhouse knows all about sex, but she also knows more than most people about heartache and terror.
Ruth talked to Howard and Robin (or, as she says, ‘Rrrrrrrrrobin’) about her horrific childhood this morning, but she never lost her trademark sense of humor and enthusiasm.
Dr. Ruth lost both of her parents in the holocaust. They were carted away when she was 10 years old and she never saw them again. She would even continue to write her father letters long after he was dead.
Somehow, Ruth was spared while 1.5 million other children were killed in the Holocaust.
Ruth became a sniper in the Israeli military as a young woman (yes, you read that correctly) and lost her virginity at age 17 (in a haystack and without contraception).
Later in her life, she became a sex therapist and got her first radio show in 1980 on WYNY and her media career took off like a rocket.

She has published many, many, many books (thirty-six) and her latest is another great one – ‘The Doctor Is In: Dr. Ruth on Love, Life, and Joie de Vivre’. Before she left the studio, she gave one final piece of advice to Howard – masturbation is okay, as long as you have actual sex as well.