Show Rundown: Wednesday July 29, 2015
Beetlejuice Stops By and Shares a Few Facts With Listeners
Jillian Barberie, the Fourth Kardashian
Jillian Barberie, the Fourth Kardashian
Stern Show superfan dishes on famous crew

Not only did we have the #1 Wack Packer on the show this morning, but the #1 Stern Show Superfan Jillian Barberie also stopped by.
She talked about how much she loved the show and her interactions with Howard and the staff (JD Harmeyer actually seemed to think he could ‘get her’ if he wanted her) and she told the story of her history with the Kardashian/Jenner family.
When she was the weather girl/co-host of Good Day LA, she became close to Bruce (now Caitlyn) and Kris Jenner. She even spent the holidays with the whole family.
This was before their smash hit reality show. Once Jillian lost her gig on Good Day LA (where she would talk about and plug the Stern Show every single day) her Kardashian/Jenner connection dried up completely. She hasn’t spoken to them since.
She might not spend her time at the Jenner house, but she is always welcome here. We love you Jillian!