Show Rundown: Tuesday January 19, 2016
Chelsea Handler on Her New Netflix Series, the Heather McDonald Controversy, & More
High Pitch Erik Goes Vegan, Gets New Pets
The Asian Pete Band Name Game
The Asian Pete Band Name Game
A caller plays to win a Flat Ronnie.
One caller this morning was offered the chance to win one of the remaining life-size Flat Ronnies if he could just get two out of five questions right in the extremely tough Asian Pete Band Name Game. The simple rules of the game: just correctly guess the name of the band that Pete is attempting to say.
Here were the questions:
Practice Question: Fleetwood MacAnswer: No One Guessed Correctly
Question #1: Guns N’ RosesCaller: Guns N’ Roses
Question #2: Black SabbathCaller: Def Leppard
Question #3: Boy George and Culture ClubCaller: The Dave Matthews Band
Question #4: Linkin ParkCaller: Linkin Park
Question #5: Electric Light OrchestraCaller: No Idea
Congratulations to the caller, who successfully guessed two out of the five correct and thus won a Flat Ronnie!
Asian Pete himself even called in and though he may have said quite a bit, the only nuggets of info anyone could decipher were that he has started a Periscope show with Medicated Pete and that he has worked at Lowe’s for about eight years.