Show Rundown: July 18, 2016
Did Robin Quivers Rest During the Break?
Exploring the Montreal Pokémon Festival
High Pitch Erik’s Message For Peace
‘AGT Deep Throat’ Emails Howard
Jenny McCarthy Responds to Howard’s PDA Comments
Get Well Soon, Dean Gulberry
Nick Cannon Headed to RNC and DNC But Don’t Expect Him to Vote in Presidential Election
Sorry, Ronnie – Nick Cannon’s Rocket Copter is Making Mad Money
Marfan Mike Might Be Inducted Into the Wack Pack
Marfan Mike Might Be Inducted Into the Wack Pack
Howard considers making High Pitch Erik's high school classmate one of the crew
![c/o Marfan Mike](
While Howard and Jason Kaplan were discussing the new feud between Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, and Taylor Swift over a leaked conversation, prospective Wack Packer Marfan Mike called in to give his take.
“I’m with Team Taylor,” he said in contradiction to Jason’s pro-Kanye stance. “I think [Kanye]’s a real asshole,” he added.
Shuli Egar joined the crew in the studio and told Howard that Mike is “such a sweet guy” and a huge fan of the show of course.
Howard said that it was about time that a new Wack Packer was brought into the family and suggested a live induction interview and ceremony hosted by some of the OG members like Beetlejuice.
Stay tuned for updates on Mike’s potential induction soon.