Show Rundown: July 18, 2016
Did Robin Quivers Rest During the Break?
Exploring the Montreal Pokémon Festival
High Pitch Erik’s Message For Peace
‘AGT Deep Throat’ Emails Howard
Jenny McCarthy Responds to Howard’s PDA Comments
Get Well Soon, Dean Gulberry
Nick Cannon Headed to RNC and DNC But Don’t Expect Him to Vote in Presidential Election
Sorry, Ronnie – Nick Cannon’s Rocket Copter is Making Mad Money
Sorry, Ronnie – Nick Cannon’s Rocket Copter is Making Mad Money
Add toy maker to Nick’s already long list of job titles

Nick Cannon’s career has taken off like a rocket ship, so it only makes sense that his newest business venture is a toy rocket that kids everywhere are trying to get their hands on.
“I have the number one toy of the summer,” Nick said of his product, the Ncredible Rocket Copter. The high-flying gadgets are being made through a partnership between Cannon’s brand and a toy manufacturer.
“We’ll probably sell one million rocket copters, maybe even two,” Nick said.
At $15 a pop, Howard did some quick math and figured Rocket Copters must be making Nick a small fortune. But not everyone is happy about Nick’s involvement with these toys. Ronnie Mund came into the studio to say he recently saw a Rocket Copter commercial while watching NASCAR on TV and noticed it was Nick’s voice in the ad.
“I just thought it was really weird,” Ronnie said. “He can sell it but he doesn’t have to do the commercial.”
“I have to show dedication to my brand,” Nick responded. “Come on Ronnie I’m trying to build an empire here!”
With the money rolling in from all directions, Howard guessed that Nick’s net worth must be around $50 million.
“That sounds good,” Nick replied, saying he’s not sure exactly how much money he has at this point. But considering how hard a worker he is, the sky might not even be the limit for Nick Cannon.
Watch the Rocket Copter commercial in question below and to purchase one for yourself, visit