Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: August 12, 2016
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: August 12, 2016
Test your knowledge of Howard Stern Show happenings from the week
Sure, you heard every second of the Stern Show this week, but how closely were you really listening? Take our “Who Said It” quiz and match the phrase to the individual to determine just how attentive a Stern Fan you really are.
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1. “I love romantic comedies. That’s hard shit to pull off.”
Howard Stern
Seth Rogen
Sal Governale
Hugh Grant
2. “Every week I send three apology emails to people.”
Sal Governale
Howard Stern
Eric Andre
Seth Rogen
3. “I would really like to hang out with my fans. Go shopping with them.”
Eric Andre
Wendy the Slow Adult
Robin Quivers
Hugh Grant
4. “People have thought that when I die, Fred will die minutes later.”
Robin Quivers
Richard Christy
Gary Dell’Abate
Howard Stern
5. “It’s probably one of the best moments in film I’ve seen!” – _______ on “Sausage Party” food orgy.
Howard Stern
JD Harmeyer
Seth Rogen
Sal Governale
6. “I’m a better Wack Packer than Jeff the Drunk”
Wendy the Slow Adult
High Pitch Erik
Speech Impediment Man
Jeff the Drunk
7. “I just wanted to see – how big is this guy?” – _______ on Orlando Bloom
Howard Stern
Seth Rogen
Eric Andre
Richard Christy
8. “His dick is very well proportioned to his body.” – _______ on Orlando Bloom.
Howard Stern
Seth Rogen
Eric Andre
Richard Christy
9. “I have to shit, I have to shit! Shit’s gonna come out!”
Sal Governale
Benjy Bronk
Eric Andre
Richard Christy